

写给上班族的故事 - 勤工作不如精投资 - A story to all salarymen



小杰勤奋于工作,希望以后也可以像大莉一样升职加薪,可是他也相当注重work life balance,偶尔会留下加班,可如果没特别事情的话,小杰会准时回家。有时会约朋友聚餐打球,而另外有空闲时间时就会阅读股市新闻和学习股市投资。





小杰25年后的资产 RM 1,298,181.17

大莉25年后的资产 RM 1, 202, 722.92 (比小杰还要少7%!!)






-English Version-

Kiat is a Y generation who just has few years working experience. His salary is not high, only RM3500/month. His superior, name Li who age 29 is a manager of the company and her salary is RM7000/month, double of Kiat's salary. 

Kiat is hardworking and hope he could promoted in near term. However, he emphasize work life balance and drive himself not to OT if it's not necessary. During leisure time, Kiat will spend time with friends, else will read news and study stock investment. 

Li is a workaholic who always works beyond 8pm. She is very stress and sometimes will scold her subordinates. Kiat as a newbie was always scolded by Li that Kiat is a lazy and irresponsible person. There was a time that Li insulted Kiat never think about getting rich. 

Having this superior, Kiat remains steady and keen with own target. His personal value is he work hard and has to spend time for leisure and more importantly, learn about stock investment so that he can achieve his goal: early retirement and financial freedom.

Whereas Li's goal is simple, career is top priority and save as much as possible so that she is rich after retire.

Every month Kiat able to save RM1,000 and he will invest in stock market. The return is not stable but overall there is average annual return of 10%.

Li able to save RM2,000 per month for investment. She is good in working, but she know nothing about investment and not willing to do so. Hence, once there's bank FD(Fixed Deposit) promotion, Li will deposit all her fund into FD account and enjoy interest rate. The average annual return is 5%.

If Kiat and Li maintain this contribution of investment and get constant annual return for 25 years, who has higher net investment value after 25 years?

Surprisingly, the answer is Kiat.

After 25 years, Kiat's net investment value = RM 1,298,181.17

After 25 years, Li's net investment value  = RM 1, 202, 722.927% lower than Kiat !!)

Both invest at the same time, Li's contribution is double of Kiat's contribution. Kiat willing to take time and effort to learn about stock investment and hence having double investment return than Li.

The ending of the story told us that, Li works hard for 25 years but at the end her net worth is lower than his subordinate Kiat.

Of course, we should work hard. The key point is, from this story you will notice that master in stock investment is vital, which allow you to achieve your financial goal more efficiently with less effort. It's not about the power of compounded interest, it's about the power of master in stock investing.

Perhaps you could excuse that you don't know how to invest. It's fine. However, bear in mind that there is no inborn investor. Every investors start from beginning and learning.

Year 2017 is around the corner, please don't forget to include "die die also must learn stock investment!!!!!" in your new year target.

We would like to wish everyone good health and happy investing in 2017. =)



